Cancellation-10th World Choir festival on Musicals

Cancellation-10th World Choir festival on Musicals

Official Cancellation of the 10th Wolrd Choir Festival on Musicals

8-10 May 2020

Thessaloniki, Greece

Next festival: 7-10 May 2021

With great regret and a sense of high responsibility the Organizing Committee of the World Choir Festival on Musicals announces the cancellation of the 10th World Choir Festival on Musicals. The festival is held in Thessaloniki every spring.
The Organizing Committee has come to this difficult decision because of the present situation at national and international level caused by the corona virus COVID-19. In order to come to this conclusion the Committee has examined the States’ guidelines to the people, as well as the potentially dangerous consequences for the participants of the Festival.
The Committee also realizes completely that this decision affects the plans of all the choirs that have worked for months preparing their participation in the Festival. It can not ignore, of course, the financial impacts that this cancelation will have to the choirs that would have travelled from different countries abroad to take part to our festival. It is worth mentioning that this was going to be largest -on account of participations – Festival so far, which we have been organizing for a year now.
The cancelation of our Festival will also have its impact to the cultural, financial and social life of our city. However the security of the choir members, the spectators and the people we have invited to attend our Festival from Greece and abroad, is a priority for us !
We,  truly, want to thank all the people that have worked for the preparation of the Festival and all that have supported it in any way. We do hope that this year’s problems will be forgotten soon and they will be left behind as a distant memory.   So, in the 11th World Choir Festival on Musicals,  7-10 May 2021 we meet again all together to the next Festival of joy!
The Organizing Committee
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